Dear friends,

From this moment, we are starting the blog search of "Mobile Art" - mapping, analysis and classification of the poetic proposed use of mobile phones.

We invite artists, groups, teachers of art critics, curators, producers and promoters of events, among other stakeholders to participate by sending in contributions, already very welcome, it will be very important for the development of this project.

Below, follows a brief summary and the e-mail addresses to exchange information and contacts.


Rosângela Aparecida da Conceição - Institute of Arts - São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP



 "Mobile Art" - mapping, analysis and classification of the poetic proposed use of cell phones


This research has as objective main to map and to analyze the state where if it finds the called "Mobile Art", about this its still initial phase, therefore we think that soon it will be a predominant modality with the communication resources contemporaries. This modality of art if uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT´s) in mobile devices as cellular, GPS´s, beyond the proper Internet for the production of poetical proposals that also explore the existing potential in these systems, reaching a great variety of proposals in less of one decade of existence. For this reason, this research will be delimited in the use of cellular "in" and "for" the production of digital images, therefore this already presents a variety of proposals with the integration of other technologies of communication, becoming complex the analysis of all the manifestations.
However, exactly with this delimitation, much of this production still she is unknown for the public and many artists and students of art for not yet being mapped and organized of systemize form. We consider that it has the reflection necessity on this production, and that the organization in the direction of a mapping and classification will help future research on the subject.



(:-> [email protected] <-> [email protected] :)

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